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Gentle introduction to AWS
Introduction to AWS
Introduction to AWS (8:36)
AWS Regions and Availability Zones (7:27)
Creating an AWS Account
Lab: Playing with the AWS Console (3:50)
Elastic Compute Cloud
Introduction to EC2 (5:45)
Lab: Starting an EC2 Instance (16:04)
Lab: Login into a Linux Instance (5:50)
Lab: Login into Windows Instance (3:58)
Exercise: EC2
S3: Simple Storage Service
S3 Part1 (14:28)
S3 : Part 2 (14:08)
Lab: Uploading file to S3 (10:41)
RDS: Relational Database Service
RDS Introduction (14:04)
Lab: Creating a RDS Instance (9:47)
What next?
Going forward
Lab: Login into a Linux Instance
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